Sunday, October 19, 2008


I dunno. Is venting a good thing to do on the Internets? I guess in addition to the many uses of That Other Journal, I could add venting about my Best Friend here to my other friends/readers as she is not a registered user. I'll have to be careful about this.

When I was telling the people I work with about our impromptu reunion last Sunday, I couldn't help but mention these little tidbits.

First of all, how thick is this emotional callus of mine that it took about three hours of your collective Care Bear stares to get through to my No Heart soul? What's happened to me? Thank goodness we continued to hang out afterward. I must say that that was probably the first time in over eight years where I got my hopes up and wasn't let down for doing so like so so many times before.


After it was all over, and as the inevitability of my returning home sunk in, my final thoughts after leaving my Roommate's car were, "Please don't be awake. Please don't be awake," because I knew that only my Best Friend could be capable of ruining the otherwise perfect day I had with the friends I've missed so much.

Thankfully, she was asleep. *wiping nervous sweat from brow*

And thus the day, was about as perfect as anyone could ask for.

Oh, and I guess it should go without saying, but for the sake of not making assumptions. For those of you who know who I actually am, never use real names on this site. Either use the pseudonyms I've already selected or be roundabout. I'll know who you're talking about. Thank you.

ADDENDUM: original entry is from October 19, 2008 and has been modified to sort-of anonymize those being talked about.

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