Monday, October 27, 2008


What's not to love?

(originally posted to That Other Journal on October 27, 2008)

Friday, October 24, 2008


Oh am I annoyed! When I clean up at my job, I occasionally find more than dirt and dust -- namely money. Granted, most of it is in the form of pennies and dimes, but the occasional better find does show up every so often.

I know I'm not entitled to this money, but then, I can't really argue for my place of employment's defense either. For the most part, I think the famous case of Finders vs. Keepers definitely applies. I just apply reasonable doubt to the find. If it's in the drawer, for instance, only a cashier could have put it there and forgotten about it. If it's rolled coin, it's obviously a cashier's and must be returned. But on the floor? Fuck it, it's mine.

The rear belt of our registers has this large metal plate which lifts up to reveal a dust catcher and a poorly thought out wooden interior (perfect for absorbing organic fluids!). Usually what's under there is of course dust and debris, but occasionally a flat item gets drawn under even the occasional bag of salad and candy, but it's usually Dr. Scholl's corn removers. On rare occasion, a piece of currency will slip beneath there and it'll be mine for the picking...except for today.

My manager saw me cleaning the registers and I guess in his boredom, lifted up the plate I was getting to next to reveal a twenty dollar bill. Fuck!!! (yes, reasonable doubt applies here. It's almost certain that a dumb customer wasn't paying attention as it slipped beneath the plate and was now out twenty dollars) Now it's found money and I had to log it as such.

What makes me obsess about this even more is that A: he's never taken an interest in what I've been doing before in terms of clean up and B: he was only there because he couldn't find his house keys. Instead, I went home with three pennies and a kopeck. Grrr.....

Beaten to the prize. :) Is that Nelson Muntz?

(originally posted to That Other Journal on October 24, 2008)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I feel compelled to just point out that today, my Best Friend and I had a very good day. No arguments, no nothing. Simple interactions. She even pointed out that I had made her feel better today (it has nothing to do with my recent posts). It's not all negative with us. As stuff like this is hardly headline news, I will just point out that yes, it is safe to assume that no news is indeed, good news :)

(originally posted in That Other Journal on October 21, 2008)


I'm starting to think my Best Friend and I need safety words. Not for sexual reasons (do I have to insert obviously here?); but rather, for argumentative reasons.

We seem to feed off each other in such a way that we tend to upgrade what should normally be simple disagreements from simple thunderstorms to Category 3 hurricanes.

While I think we both share certain psychoses when it comes to our arguing styles, I do tend to blame myself more for perpetuating them. I think I need to train my mind to simply shut up cuz once I get going, I really don't care how heated it gets nor do I care how stupid the flash point was. I tried explaining my hypothesis to her but I don't think she's gonna go for it. She seems to have this weird, albeit perfectly reasonable, idea that I should be able to recognize that things are spiraling out of control. I couldn't get through to her that my dumb analytical mind would surely respond to this kind of thing...or that I least, I was quite confident that it would until I can train myself to recognize these destructive patterns.

Any ideas as to how I might better explain this off to her so that maybe she'll cooperate? I'm listening and would appreciate your help. :)

(originally posted in That Other Journal on October 21, 2008)

Sunday, October 19, 2008


I dunno. Is venting a good thing to do on the Internets? I guess in addition to the many uses of That Other Journal, I could add venting about my Best Friend here to my other friends/readers as she is not a registered user. I'll have to be careful about this.

When I was telling the people I work with about our impromptu reunion last Sunday, I couldn't help but mention these little tidbits.

First of all, how thick is this emotional callus of mine that it took about three hours of your collective Care Bear stares to get through to my No Heart soul? What's happened to me? Thank goodness we continued to hang out afterward. I must say that that was probably the first time in over eight years where I got my hopes up and wasn't let down for doing so like so so many times before.


After it was all over, and as the inevitability of my returning home sunk in, my final thoughts after leaving my Roommate's car were, "Please don't be awake. Please don't be awake," because I knew that only my Best Friend could be capable of ruining the otherwise perfect day I had with the friends I've missed so much.

Thankfully, she was asleep. *wiping nervous sweat from brow*

And thus the day, was about as perfect as anyone could ask for.

Oh, and I guess it should go without saying, but for the sake of not making assumptions. For those of you who know who I actually am, never use real names on this site. Either use the pseudonyms I've already selected or be roundabout. I'll know who you're talking about. Thank you.

ADDENDUM: original entry is from October 19, 2008 and has been modified to sort-of anonymize those being talked about.