Sunday, March 20, 2016


     After futzing around on Tinder for a while, I've noticed the following consistencies in my "swipe left" rejection behavior:

1. When the girl mentions her height, I'm too short for her.

     While I would be considered "minimally tall" at 5'10", it doesn't matter if she says she's 4'11, 5'2, 5'8, or 6'...if she's mentioned her height, she's looking for someone over six feet tall.

2. When the girl mentions she's not looking to hook-up.

     Look, I'm not on this site to hook-up either but I'm fairly confident that if you have to go out of your way to mention it, you're not fun no matter how fun you claim to be.

3. When the profile has only one picture.

     Best case scenario, it's a fake profile and you're just going to be led into what will eventually turn into a spam conversation where the girl tells you to go to an outside e-mail to see her "other" pics. Otherwise, and especially if that one photo is up-close, difficult to make out, or a cartoon/sports team've got nothing to work with.
     Even if the one picture is fantastic, anyone can look good in a single photo.

4. When the girl has a foreign/ghetto name.

     I want a fully-Americanized girl and I'm just not confident that a Lyudmila, Sirin, Jennyffyr, Yessica, Shayvon, Yeon-hee, Desserae, Huma, Shivani, Xiomena, Dharmista, or Meiying will be so. I'm not interested in dating another language and/or culture, especially if that culture prizes submissive femininity and/or values overly dominant/involved parents. I want a feminist girl: one who's her own woman.

4a. When the girl shows obvious signs of religiousness.

     As a corollary to the above, if your religion is an important part of your identity, it's just going to clash with my atheism; even more so for religions (and lifestyles like vegetarianism/veganism) with dietary restrictions. But if you're just a Christian, Jew, or Muslim in name-only, I'm cool with that but say it in your Tinder profile.
     This also applies to food allergies. I probably eat all-the-time what you're allergic to. Let's just not bother.

5.When a girl mentions she works with "special needs" people.

     Doubly so if she has one or more close retarded family members. You know I'm a eugenicist, right?

6. When the girl has the same name as my Mom.

    My Mom's name isn't a common one like Jennifer, so I won't ever be able to dissociate. And this is one of the few times I would totally understand being rejected for the complementary reason...

7. When a girl mentions she doesn't like cats.

    Even though I'm not allowed to have animals where I currently live, I do look forward to the day I may have a cat of my own. I can tolerate dogs, but I'm not fond of them and if anything, I would want a cat-person too because it is really no joke just how many single women own dogs on these kinds of sites. I'm really convinced that it is a bad thing for a woman to be a dog lover...

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