Wednesday, March 16, 2016


     I miss the passion I used to have for this blog. The entries have dwindled practically to zero. It's not that I don't want to write anymore. It's just that I don't know what to write about.

     I have this old running post idea that would get me to come back at least once weekly. My image macros folder on my PC is filled with images I could never post on Facebook because they would offend one too many sensibilities. They're things I find funny in their own absurd (and sometimes mean) ways. I just never got around to setting it up.

     Maybe it's because I have too many open accounts online now. It'd be a job in of itself to keep up to date with all of them, especially a blogging site which requires some measure of dedication to generate an entry that's more than me just bitching about something.
     My most popular entry to date is still the Carly McKinney one and that's entirely due to the pictures I posted within the post. People are finding the entry via Google searches so if anything, yeah...the right images can generate views but that entry had some sincere passion in it which took some time to plan out and compose. It wasn't just a post offering a gallery of pictures for viewers to ogle.

     I don't know. I have occasional ideas but I'm not budgeting my online time well. Facebook and Twitter draw my time like television once did which reminds me, like with Twitter, I need to create a core group of friends on Facebook I definitely follow and have an "Everybody Else Day" for when I have the time or otherwise bored. I've already cleared my feed of the "Posts Too Much" crowd: those people who love oversharing links and whatnot. I feel like I must be on quite of few of them seeing as how few the reactions are to anything I post. I accept the emptiness on Twitter: it's part of its design. It's more depressing on Facebook.

     It'll be another year before I update the America the Beautiful mintages and another two years before I update the Deliberately Circulated running entries.

     Maybe I got out much of what I had wanted to say in 2010 and 2011 when this blog was new. It probably helped that I was still reading Gawker and listening to Opie & Anthony daily to keep my rage informed. Perhaps I've mellowed out?

     I should never discount that I'm simply lazy...

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