Tuesday, September 8, 2015


     Last Monday, the superintendent came to the door to tell me he had switched my parking space again because he knows I don't have a car and someone else wanted my previous spot because it was closer to their apartment. Fine, whatever. However...

     He also told me that this new spot was still being used by someone else who didn't even rent here because we still have vacant apartments and the super told him he could use the space in the meantime (or some bullshit like that). This is what I get for being honest...

     When I moved here, the lease states we each get an assigned parking space. I filled out the parking space form and indicated (truthfully) that I did not have a car. What I saw my parking space as was both a place I could use to set up my telescope if I wanted to do some late-night observing and as a place I could offer to family and friends (and God-willing, girlfriends). In fact, it seemed to be the only kinda-sorta perk I could offer a girl willing to look past my inability to drive while she dates me: hey, I've got a place for you to park...

     I should've just lied when signing my initial lease and claimed my Best Friend's car to be my own for my space. No one would have checked up on it to verify that I had a license or registration for the vehicle...maybe I would have saved myself these frustrations and disrespect...

     This is also what I get for being nice. It's always a punishment. Sure, I could make a point and have the guy who's (still) parking there towed. But what will that accomplish? The truth is, I rarely do need the spot and there are common areas I can use to set up my telescope if I really insist on using it. Towing anyone who parks there would only make me out as a bad guy regardless of how (technically) in the right I would be to do so.
     It makes me think of when poor folks kill one and other over respect. Respect is pretty much the least valuable thing a person can have. If you've reached a point in your life when you find yourself desiring respect from people, it's a sure sign that you've got nothing else going for you. A person who's got a nice job, a spouse who loves them, children to take care of, a decent house, savings, and so on...that person could give less than a shit about getting respect or even having it because they already have so much more worth having.

     And here I am, entertaining tow fantasies; seething over my honesty getting me abused once again. Have I really reached a point in my life where I have so little?

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