Thursday, September 3, 2015


     I wonder if the reason we've seen no evidence of time travel is because a variation on the Pauli Exclusion Principle would forbid it?

     The principle states, to the best of my understanding of it, that two identical fermions (things like electrons and quarks) cannot occupy the same quantum state. In other words, you can't have two electrons occupying the same point in space.

     It makes me wonder (with no ability to prove it of course...what do I look like, a mathematical genius?) if the same concept applies temporally. In other words, the same particle from different times (effectively two particles now, but still otherwise identical, from this point of view) not being able to occupy identical moments.
     From a 4th dimensional (time) point of view, the particles you're comprised of would look not like points, but lines stretching from their creation to their annihilation. I'm thinking time-travel would force those lines to intersect, effectively overlapping moments. If two of the same kind of particles in the same moment cannot occupy the same volume, then perhaps two identical particles from different times cannot occupy the same moment.

     I'm repeating myself. I know. I'm just struggling with a way to describe what I'm thinking so that it's consistent.

     Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. All energy (of which matter is) has been with us since the beginning of time and will continue until its end (should that ever come) so just because you have not always existed does not mean the electrons and quarks (represented as protons and neutrons) have not always existed. And they will continue to exist long after you no longer have a need for them.
     You can't go back (or forward) because it would require your fermions to occupy the same moment and that's just not allowed...

    Maybe that's why. I don't know. I was bored at work...

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