Tuesday, June 9, 2009


     When I visited Roommate at our new apartment last week, I noticed that we both have desktops which isn't good when you only have one modem and limited lengths of wire. So I went out and bought a USB Wi-Fi adapter for desktop computers. It works great...in fact, I'm using it now. I almost swear it does a better job than the modem itself. Odds are, I'll lend it to Roommate since his room does not have a phone jack in it so unless our antique walls have some sort of natural Wi-Fi signal blockers in them like my place of employment does...everything should flow smoothly and we can share a connection with no hassels...as soon as Verizon delivers :-)

ADDENDUM: And oh was that a story...

I'm a bit hungry and tired to compose right now. Let's see, short version. (Verizon) Modem arrived when it was supposed to. Somehow I received two on two different days. Both units functioned but could not get a signal. Returned the one sent in error while Verizon worked on the problem. I was told the problem was two line signals were being sent through the same wire and that cancels them out which is why I wasn't receiving a signal. Somehow this wasn't a problem that could be resolved by pushing a single button like you think it could be. Needed a tech to come to the apartment. Tech did not show. Verizon, I quickly learned, is the Queen of Hearts. You cannot do anything with Verizon today, only tomorrow. Tech finally came several days later. The guy was very nice and worked diligently pointing out degraded wires (which he replaced or otherwise fixed). Ultimately, the problem was determined to be at their end. Had to wait...again. Much yelling on the phone would follow when the time came and the modem still was not receiving a signal. Stubbornness reigned supreme for almost a month before I surrendered and went to Cablevision for internet (I avoided them before because I had problems with them while still living at home). Cablevision beat Verizon and I have had no problems with internet since but it took a good month to get the problem resolved which was, admittedly, partly my fault because I did not just call Cablevision right away.

(originally posted to That Other Journal on June 9, 2009)

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