Saturday, December 21, 2013


     It has come to my attention lately that the DSM-5, released just this year, has officially come to the conclusion that transgenderism (or gender dysphoria), in the light of new medical and psychological evidence, shall no longer be classified as a mental disorder.

     I like to think of myself as a scientist and one of the things that comes with being a scientist (as a philosophy since I am not employed as one in any field) is that things held true today may be overturned by new evidence in the future. This is one of those things.

     Seeing as how I am neither a doctor nor have I ever been trained as one, I readily accept this change even if it may take some time getting used to because who am I to judge the consensus of hundreds, if not thousands, of medical professionals with far greater knowledge of the subject of human psychology and development? I would think it absurd to do so.

     I would have to hand in my scientist card if I were to continue to hold a belief found to be no longer consistent with present knowledge and I shan't be doing that.

     As such, I have vocalized some opinions here on this blog that I would now, in light of this new knowledge, like to take back. I apologize for ever having held those opinions and I will take the time to educate myself as opportunity permits. Henceforth, I will stand against ignorant claims made against the transgendered to the best of my abilities. This does not mean you will see me at protests and whatnot but it does mean I will no longer stand with the "it's a mental disorder" crowd.

      I neither seek nor require the forgiveness of anyone whom I have offended with my prior stated views in this blog. I do this for myself but I choose to let the random happen upon to this blog know that the view of transgenderism being a mental disorder is no longer one I hold.

      I suspect it will take some time to clear from my head thoughts I've held in the past but that is the goal. Out with the old knowledge, in with the new!

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