Monday, February 18, 2013


     I was thinking about the old Power Rangers series earlier this week. If you remember the show, the Power Rangers were color-coded (red, yellow, blue, green, black, and pink) and even when not in uniform, their street clothes were curiously color-coded as well. I'm sure this was done in real life to make things easier for the show's intended audience's age range but I was left wondering why this might happen for real given that it might appear like a bad move security-wise.

     I thought it would be funny if the Power Ranger teens were looking at old photos of themselves prior to their being summoned by Zordon, pointing out how weird it is that Kimberly (the pink ranger) isn't wearing pink in this photo and that Billy (the blue ranger) isn't wearing anything blue. And then they laugh about it because Kimberly and Billy love pink and blue respectively. Then Jason (the red ranger), showing a look of concern, asks to see a photo of him and notices he's not wearing any red and none of the remaining rangers have this color fixation way back when.

     Jump scene to them confronting Zordon who tries to change the subject while strongly suggesting he's guilty of something. They then pressure the more impressionable Alpha-5 to get an answer and he finally caves and admits one of two things (whichever is funnier to you):

a) That Zordon is many hundreds of years old and can no longer see as well as he once did so he put a spell on the rangers to compel them to wear clothes matching their ranger color assignment so that he could more easily distinguish the rangers out of uniform.


b) That Zordon cast a spell on them to compel the rangers to always be wearing their respective colors because, well...(Alpha-5 clearly nervous)...Zordon says that all humans look alike to him so he used this spell as a way to tell you all apart when not in uniform.

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