Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Look at this note:
That's the back-side of a 1918 series $1 Federal Reserve Bank Note. Why isn't that design still on our dollars today? It's so badass-looking. It's like the dollar of the Colbert Nation. A defiant, angry eagle; already impressive in its own right, ready to impale you with the American flag if you dare go against it.
And why would you go against it? That's right, you're accepting this dollar. It's been secured by United States Certificates of Indebtedness and/or United States one-year Gold Notes. They've been deposited with the Treasurer of the United States and payable to the bearer on demand...ON DEMAND!!! That dollar is guaranteed, dear citizen (unless you're intending to use it to pay import duties or interest on the public debt, then you're SOL). It's National Currency asshole!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a lover of money with animals or hot chicks on them, I approve this blog post.

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