Friday, January 20, 2012


      I had no idea the daily recommended intake of fiber was so high. You're supposed to be getting at least 25 grams of the stuff daily. Thankfully bananas are both high in fiber and cheap so I've been using them to supplement my diet in addition to making sure my bread is always whole wheat (not that I eat white bread anymore - though it's fantastic when toasted) so that every meal is sufficiently fibrous. As much as it makes me feel like an old man that I'm concerning myself with my fiber intake, I can't argue with the bloodless, I'm sure having two bananas a day is also good for me.

      I referenced a technique from a thread on Reddit last month about how to clear up a stuffy nose without medicine. I've been forcing myself to breathe solely through my nose for a good two weeks now. I think my body has finally realized that I'm no longer playing. The first few nights of doing this, I would be holding my breath for a painfully long time three or more times before falling asleep...but I woke up breathing through my nose, not my mouth. I'm noticing I'm sneezing less and possibly resting better. I have not had a sneezing fit since December 20th though I've had an itchy nose the past two days (left nostril Wednesday, right nostril on Thursday...I'm still convinced my body hates me) but neither day erupted into sneezing fits. I don't want to believe that it's this couldn't be this simple...but, results...


AmyKathryn said...

I told you fiber was good :)
I'm glad to hear you're not having the sneezing fits. In retrospect you didn't have any sneezing fits while we were visiting. I need to be more consistent with trying to unstuff my nose.

By the way, there's a WORLD of foods that are fibrous...

Vachon said...

Yes, I've been paying more attention lately. But as I said, bananas are cheap :-)

Anonymous said...

A little late to the party, but I wanted to share my perspective. I'm a graduate student working on a project that involves the sneezing reflex and the associated triggers and patterns. One of the major ones is obviously allergies, so as part of the project I am working on developing natural personalized remedies to help control or eliminate symptoms. I was wondering if you would be interested in collaborating, I have references to prove the legitimacy if necessary.

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