Friday, January 27, 2012


      Fuck! She changed her privacy settings! My days of passively cyberstalking Digby on Facebook are over. For a long time now, she had her profile set mostly to be viewable by "friends of friends" of which, I was. I deleted her back in about March 2011 and only then discovered this delightful exploit in her settings which allowed me to more calmly decompress after her leaving where I work. Having that access I guess could be likened to a nicotine patch that if I didn't have, I would've been considerably crazier in response.

      I was like that when she first deleted me back in 2008. This was before one of Facebook's controversial revamps - the one that defaulted everyone's privacy settings to "friends of friends" - so I lost access to her pictures and posts totally and I got quite obsessive watching her friends for any new picture posts with Digby in them. It was not a fun time. Eventually Digby and I reconciled and we refriended until 2011 when it all ended once and for all. I was happy to have continued access...until yesterday that is. Now all I can see is whatever her current profile picture is. I can't see her infuriating posts either (infuriating because she would lament for things that I knew damned well I could provide or was spouting philosophies which were exactly what I was doing to no avail...I'll consider posting some day...I have to remove her identity from the posts but leave enough to show it is her). It's all gone. Sigh...but better now, about six months after she quit than six days.

      She finally clicked on the privacy settings tab. Motherfucker! I got some good pictures over the months though :-)

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