Sunday, January 8, 2012


      I deal with setbacks like anyone else in this world...through fantasy, and one thing I've noticed is that as my initial anger cools, the fantasies themselves get dealt with in increasingly cruel manners until I've finally tired of the whole exercise. Whereas, at the beginning of the setback, when the anger is still fiery and passionate, the fantasies can be quite physically violent, impulsive, and ill-concerned with the consequences of such actions. But while the fire dies out, its cause remains and festers allowing the second-tier fantasies to explore more "creative" solutions to my frustrations. They are oftentimes psychologically terrifying in nature, complex, well-thought out, and teeming with poetic justice.

      For those of you who actually worry about me, I am not actually dangerous because my fantasies are always supernaturally based...even the initial passionate ones. Reality is what I'm trying to escape so reality-based themes are not fun for me. Fuck guns and knives and poison. How lame. I want truly awesome and terrifying forms of self-expression and because that is and will always be impossible, I remain a harmless, cowardly bug...that is, unless necromancy and/or alchemy à la Full Metal Alchemist turns out to be both real and exploitable. And if that's the case, opt to be a victim of my impulsive magic'll be over quicker ;-)

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