Tuesday, January 25, 2011


      Most of my dreams are blasé. While this one was no exception, I found how it was carried out to be amusing as well as a bit disturbing.

      I was dreaming that I was talking to Bronx on the phone and that I fell asleep...IN THE DREAM... I heard my phone ring again, got startled and woke up...IN MY DREAM...and apologized for having fallen asleep on her; that I didn't know what happened. No offense to Bronx, I love talking to her. She's truly a delight so I don't know why my dream heaped such an insult upon her but I had a dream in somno...what the fuck?!

      This definitely tops the black&white dream I had years back and may actually top the dream which I woke up from and went back into upon falling asleep again.

      I'll need a consensus vote for which of the three is the weirdest to experience.

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