Thursday, October 28, 2010


      I got knocked the fuck out yesterday by some sort of cold. Fever, chills, runny nose, sneezing...the works. I actually called out of work for the first time this year too. I slept for over fourteen hours, though not in a row as I kept waking drenched in sweat or coughing every hour or so. I finally crept out of bed to find everything the way I had left it. Ugh...again? My last roommate did this to me too. Thanks for picking up the slack while I was laid out.

     The dishes from the night before were all still there, unwashed...along with some additional ones. The kitchen floor is still unswept, the stove is still covered in stains from HIS cooking. Somehow only I know how to cook without covering the stove in organic filth. The dining room, which I clean like clockwork EVERY Wednesday, is still a mess. The floor, which I also vacuum the same day, undone. He didn't even get the mail. Why would it be otherwise... What the fuck does he do all day?!!

     Why is it impossible for me to find people who grasp this ridiculously simple concept? I'm still not feeling well. My throat, while not sore, will likely get there as I am coughing more. I'm pretty sure I'm still feverish and I'm jumping between moments of being cold and sweating. I don't know when I'll be sleeping today but I'll have to. I can't call out again.

      And of course, it's not like the reason none of these chores were done was because he was out getting interviewed for work or even LOOKING for work. Just a lazy fuck sucking off the public teat. I don't really want to live by myself, but I can't wait to be living by myself...

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