Tuesday, July 31, 2012


     I'm thinking about getting a couch for my apartment. I figure it will make my place look more inviting than does a lone chair. Of course what should be (in my opinion of course) a simple decision of "I like the way this looks" and be done with it has turned into a "You can't get this because it doesn't match your carpet/wall/other furniture" stand-off.

     There are a lot of couch designs out there...excuse me, sofa designs, but their available colors (if plural at all), tends to be meager. My thought is this and it's entirely possible that this has already been done, but how about a standard sofa? I'm sure you can picture one in your head. A stereotype of a sofa. The kind you might find drawn in a comic or cartoon. That style. You see it, don't you? It's not impressive in terms of, uh...architecture (?) but it's functional and damn it! looks like a cou...sofa. But a standardized design.
     And totally in addition to your store's other stock, but unlike the other sofas you have, it can be upholstered in any color or pattern of fabric. Made-to-order perhaps via the internet using your showroom just to show the design and feel. But standard for people like me who want a sofa but not the headache that comes with one.

     And understand, I'm not implying "cheap" when talking about this sofa. It can be of fine quality, but it needs to be a mass-produced, sturdy design. There can be a couple of models, but only a few, otherwise it would be defeating the purpose of this idea. Their primary commonality being that it can come in any color or pattern.

     Actually this standardization idea could apply to most types of furniture including beds, dinette tables, chairs, coffee tables, book shelves, dishes...even cars. I have a feeling this kind of furniture would not go over well with women, but they're not my target demo here. I'm speaking for bachelor men who are aware of color-matching (but don't necessarily understand it) and want to make that good first impression in terms of that but who can't be bothered to look at multiple models of desirable-looking pieces only to find out they don't work with your current decor. Go to the showroom, show a picture of your living-room, and the helpful salesman will give you appropriate colors and patterns to choose from and voilà! you've just bought a cou...sofa!

     I  don't know. I'm sure you get my point.

DISCLAIMER: To anyone reading this, you are welcome to not only use, but claim this idea as your own without giving credit to me. I sometimes have ideas, but I do not have the skills needed to express them. It is more important to me to see these ideas done than to receive recognition for them. That being said, giving me a mention anyway would make me giddy. If this idea has in fact already been done, then I strongly suggest you not actually steal it (at least not without major revisions) :-) 

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