Saturday, July 7, 2012


     My life at times really feels like an endless chorus of, "Well, we have some good news and some bad news."

     I'm finally seeing a girl. Awesome, totally awesome. We seem to be getting along well. I have not been granted title and I may never be, but that's not the point right now. It turns out I can't get laid no matter how much I want it because my penis will not cooperate.

     Yes folks, you can masturbate too much, or least too much in the wrong ways I should clarify. But there is hope that is not Viagra or Cialys related. It just requires patience and an endurance I have not ever known since first having figured out how it works down there.

     This forum gives me hope. Yes, it doesn't exactly seem scientific and anecdotes are the least acceptable form of evidence (yet sadly the most persuasive)...but still, I have to try and there's really nothing to lose by doing so since there are no drugs involved, just will-power...sheer will-power.

     The men in this forum describe scenarios similar to mine and even ones which have gone further than I have, yet through simple abstention, they were able to become like what they used to be. How encouraging. And the one likening his experience to that of rubbing one's elbow...that's me. I barely know I'm penetrating and can't appreciate any form of stimulation though I remember once being able to so it's not like it's been never...just lost to me over the long years.

     Yes, this is extremely embarrassing for me to admit and I'm not sure what I'm hoping to accomplish even by admitting this problem more-or-less anonymously. I guess it's the knowledge that it is now "out there" and some aspect of my honor is at stake if I fail to accomplish this three month abstinence. Jim Norton, of the Opie and Anthony Show, has described (in detail) over the years his sex/porn/masturbation addiction. His descriptions of why he would masturbate and how felt similar to my own. Self-esteem issues and boredom are not good bedfellows. I wish myself luck...

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