Thursday, January 1, 2009


I'm being punished right now. I was invited to my Best Friend's grandparents (by her parents) for a New Year's Day dinner. Instead, I'm composing on That Other Journal while eating Ritz crackers instead of the planned turkey dinner. About a half hour before we were supposed to leave, my Best Friend was showing me pictures that she had taken last night with her new friend Tank Girl trying to get my opinion, but not of whether the picture is good, well-taken, properly lit or framed, or anything artistically critical -- no, the goal was whether or not she (Best Friend) was the best-looking in the picture. That went expectedly -- no real arguments. Thanks to Tank Girl, my Best Friend got exposed to the kind of wealth and status that she feels she deserves...good for her to finally have a friend she can use with useful connections. Somehow, me telling her about how I'm uncomfortable around that kind of wealth and saying that I'd probably never visit her if she lived in the kind of mansion she described morphed into her putting down my Brother's Fiancée (there are definitely some steps leading up to this...I can't remember them all...I remember it having to do with beauty again). My Best Friend has a problem with girls in general and is especially jealous of girls who get a lot of attention but aren't as pretty as she is. She's kinda okay with being compared to Little Doll as she finds her of comparable attractiveness. She, however, finds my Brother's Fiancée decidedly not so.

I didn't exactly defend her wisely, I'll admit. But still, by putting my Brother's Fiancée down, she's putting my Brother down and I'm not gonna stand for that. After my Best Friend criticized her looks and personality (all from one meeting during my birthday), I pointed out that my Brother's Fiancée's personality is much better than hers and that a strong personality trumps looks (like my Best Friend's) every time. I said that if they both went out together that while initially my Best Friend would probably get the attention, that by the end of the night, my Brother's Fiancée would be surrounded (and that she would be alone -- never got to get that part out as I would now be getting yelled at until the front door slammed -- I say front door like we have more than one way out of this apartment). I do admit to saying that my Best Friend has a horrible personality (by which I meant that she's way too into herself, selfish, and ungiving -- never got to explain that either...not that it woulda helped anything).

I think at this point, all her words would be yelled at me and that I was silent. She told me she doesn't need friends like me (I bit my tongue and didn't tell her that I'm her friend, but that she's not mine -- I can't talk to her...I don't ever remember being able to) and that because of what I had said, that I would not be going to her grandparents' home for dinner (like she was the one who invited me) so I got undressed, back into my pajamas, got some Ritz and a Pepsi, and started this entry.

ADDENDUM: I never got my computer chair for Christmas. I doubt I'll ever get one now unless I pay for it. Before today, though, she didn't want to get the ones she was looking at because they were expensive (that is, over $100). She, to my face, said that she was gonna get something cheaper (never mind that I paid almost $170 for a camera, which was practically extortion money to begin with as I was tired of her using mine and that she has only once ever gotten me anything for Christmas).

And since I'm mad, anyone interested in defending her should note that my Best Friend has insulted each and every one of you here. I'm not gonna repeat it here but you should be able to infer it. So to all my weird, ugly, loser friends...and the married one whom I'm having an affair with, goodnight! (oh did I just say that?)

One of these days, I'll make an entry about the things I actually like about my Best Friend even to this day, but not today.

(originally posted to That Other Journal on January 1, 2009)

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