Friday, December 19, 2008


I finally got around to trying the Planter's mixed nuts I had bought. The results?

I still only like peanuts. I can tolerate all the other nuts in there: the almonds, cashews, pecans, brazil nuts, and hazelnuts.

Basically what that means is when I like a food, I can eat it by itself. If I tolerate a food, that means, while I can eat it alone (if I have to), I would prefer it be a part of something else. I tolerate peas, but I'm much more willing to eat them when mixed with other vegetables.

None of the nuts had any aftertastes to turn me off from them so they're available preferably for recipes for those of you keeping track of all this. I haven't eaten a walnut yet, but given the track record of the previous nuts, I can't see them as being any different.

p.s. I used up the last of my eggs today. The sell by date on the carton was December 24th so I made them all (six!) for breakfast today along with some waffles for me and my Best Friend. Who knows when I might next eat an egg. I have effective substitutes so it may never come up. I still have a quarter pound of butter and some margarine left, but they'll be gone in due time. :-)

(originally posted to That Other Journal on December 19, 2008)

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